This is the original design of my signature seen on all my official artworks. This is comprised of a fingerprint from my right index finger, followed by my cursive K and M, abbreviations to Kyle MacLachlan.
The idea of this signature was inspired by my mom, who helped me consider what would make my artwork standout compared to other artists. While other artists use a logo designed solely on their name, I wanted to something different yet personal. The idea of a fingerprint came to mind, as the idea that everyone's fingerprint is 'unique' to the person.
I ended up taking samples of my fingerprints for about an hour while working on this project. I used ink from a stamping case to create the prints. I was testing for how much pressure is suitable when putting ink on my finger, how much pressure to put onto the paper, the different angles to use, and which finger would be appropriate.
I ultimately went with my index finger print from my right hand, because the flow that the friction ridges form. Afterwards I trialed various different signatures that overlap the print to make the signature still appear like a signature. I ended up liking this one because of the flourishes in the strokes.
To digitize my print, I scanned the image onto my computer and used Adobe Illustrator's Image Trace option. It solidified the strokes into individual vector shapes, which I find helpful, as I can call upon colors in my digital work to be the color of my signature. It was a lot of fun designing a unique signature that not only works well on my traditional paper-based artwork, but also on my digital artwork.