This piece was for an assignment at school, where we had to create an image using photoshop. I interpretted that to mean I had to turn a photo I had into something a little more interesting to tell a new story.
The picture I chose is of a close friend of mine who lives over in England. I loved the angle of the photo she took, and asked if I could manipulate it in photoshop. I had to do some trials on other images first, to really understand what effects I wanted. The crack down her face comes from a crack in the ground. I then used the Liquify tool to stretch her image outward to create the illusion of her body breaking apart. Finally, i changed the color of her eye to be more artificial.
I named this piece Digitalize because the picture looks like she is turning into pixels, as photographs today usually are digital images.
The image is designed to be for 5" x 7" paper.