This piece of photo manipulation is part of a collection called Elements. I wanted to express the element of wind in a way that would make the most sense in a photograph. I decided to describe wind as an airy, and intellectual element. I asked a friend of mine to be the model, and gave her a specific breakdown to what sort of outfit she was required to wear - white. I got her a book titled Winter to hold to add onto the idea that wind should appear intellectual.
We spent a few hours going about in a park taking pictures as she walked around, sitting around, and holding the book. The photo we ended up going with was actually an accident, where she looked up from her book to ask a question if she was holding the book correctly. The timing of the shot turned out to be the best.
I created a bokeh brush in photoshop to create the dots in the picture, and then used a special swirled brush to add a the wind effect coming out of the book. I blurred the background, and finished the image with a slight touchup to my friend's colors; so that viewers could see more detail in the picture as opposed to just light and shadow.